Sunday, April 22, 2012

Journals # 3,4,5

John Z. Maloney

Patty Borden

Ids 3920

25 April 2012

Journal 3_ Reflecting on Corkscrew Swamp Sanctuary

I was completely surrounded in nature, warm breeze filling my soul with life. The calm was unfamiliar; hesitant, I welcomed it, eyes closed. The path cut out in time long ago. Nature had never been so clear, for had I ever listened? My mental pressure lifted and inside I was free. Each step a new voice; the melody of the birds followed by the whisper of the trees.  No care to where or why, I know knot of I. This is all that is needed, no pictures taken. Who was I? I do not know, I am here and not alone. The light strong and wipes away the dew of tomorrows yesterday. What great teeth and size not knowing if you are alive. Unspoiled, for the roots never lie. No ringing, buzzing, zooming, flashing, honking, crashing, banging, burping, slamming, slurping; only breeze and chirping. When all I move as one, no need to try. My eyes are unsure of what they see, a brown face looking. You see is all you know, then you can be is all you grow. The shade is kind like mother’s milk. Full of life, far from silk. Just there no more, I do not know if this could be. A Hoot and off the brown fly’s, a magical mist left for my eye. Below a green tale long and thin, paused waiting? A black buzz past my ear, I blew a kiss to bring him near. Floating free for all to see a Lillie comes within me. A crawl, a splash, noise that travels far from back.  Big and small, round and tall, within the eye the breath of hope. A lone white egg falls from the sky. Am I the only one that knows, if so, ask why.

Journal 4_ Thoughts on the Moon

            Dear Mr. Moon,

I am just gunna come out and say it, You have a lunar cycle my friend. You never told me about this; did you think I would not notice? I have known you my whole life; we go way back to as long as I can remember. It was not till recently that I was informed about this and was told to keep an eye on you from a mutual friend. I did not want to believe it; I thought you would have told me, did you not think I could handle it? I have learned so much about the real you from observing your behavior the last couple months. Don’t you dare call me a spy, I had to do this. I would not have believed it, but I saw it with my own two eyes. Nine cycles. Really? Nine? Do you know what this means, you got a real problem bud, Lunation. I would look up and there you where so I did not question; I missed all the warning signs. Just so you know I am not bluffing, I saw you go thru the phases. First quarter, waxing crescent, new, warning crescent, third quarter? You where nearly cut in half. Then without fail to a warning gibson, full, waxing gibson and back to first quarter with your left side covered and your right completely exposed. Do you know what you’re doing? I had no idea that this was your life. Why now? How long as this been going on? Don’t you lie to me?  I have seen all that I can take. Now that I know what is going on your gunna have to face this, with or without me. I am here for you and want to help. We can break this.  Sincerely, your dear friend, John.

Journal 5_Reflect on the Colloquium Class Experience

            I recommend to every student at FGCU to take Colloquium with you, Patty Borden. You express a level of kindness and care that has not been previously displayed in my academic carrier. I believe it to be a direct correlation of your perspective and attitude, which has determined you being a wonderful teacher. You want to help and spread your knowledge and truly teach what you know, the grade is of importance but is secondary, a result of learning. You except who you are and it allows the student to feel comfortable in your presence and in the class room. During the semester ideas were presented that had me question what I believed to be true. I was concerned mostly for my well being previously and did not see that all are one. I now believe that by being an example and spreading the ideas learned in class such as: clean foods, reducing waste, sustainability, caring for plants, names of animals, names of plants, Florida history,  I can be a candle to people that may not see any light. Previous to the class I cared soley for my well being and development, doing all I could to better myself. I have evolved. Now believing that everyone is connected. This happened buy seeing the human race as an organism with all parts connected rather than a bureaucracy. I understand now that what one does affects all, how else can dust from Egypt end up in Florida? I feel responsible to be kinder and see people as friends that I have not yet met. Patty you showed me a positive example of a purpose driven life, your kindness and knowledge opened my heart, I will give knowing now that I am not alone. 

Sunday, April 1, 2012

Mr. Moon

Dear Mr. Moon,

I am just gunna come out and say it, You have a lunar cycle my friend. You never told me about this, did you think I would not notice? I have known you my whole life, we go way back to as long as I can remember. It was not till recently that I was informed about this and was told to keep an eye on you from a mutual friend. I did not want to believe it; I thought you would have told me, did you not think I could handle it? I have learned so much about the real you from observing your behavior the last couple months. Don’t you dare call me a spy, I had to do this. I would not have believed it, but I saw it with my own two eyes. Nine cycles. Really? Nine? Do you know what this means, you got a real problem bud, Lunation. I would look up and there you where so I did not question; I missed all the warning signs. Just so you know I am not bluffing, I saw you go thru the phases. First quarter, waxing cresent, new, warning cresent, third quarter? You where nearly cut in half. Then without fail to a warning gibson, full, waxing gibson and back to first quarter with your left side covered and your right completely exposed. Do you know what your doing? I had no idea that this was your life. Why now? How long as this been going on? Don’t you lie to me.  I have seen all that I can take.Now that I know what is going on your gunna have to face this, with or without me. I am here for you and want to help. We can break this.  Sincerely, your dear friend John.

Reflecting on Courkscrew Swamp Scantuary

I was completely surrounded in nature, warm breeze filling my soul with life. The calm was unfamiliar; hesitant, I welcomed it, eyes closed. The path cut out in time long ago. Nature had never been so clear, for had I never listened? My mental pressure lifted and inside I was free. Each step a new voice; the melody of the birds followed by the whisper of the trees.  No care to where or why, I know knot of I. This is all that is needed, no pictures taken. Who was I? I do not know, I am here and not alone. The light strong and wipes away the dew of tomorrow yesterday. What great teeth and size not knowing if you are alive. Unspoiled, for the roots never lie. No ringing, buzzing, zooming, flashing, honking, crashing, banging, burping, slamming, slurping; only breeze and chirping. When all I move as one, no need to try. My eyes are unsure of what they see a brown face looking you see is all you know, then you can be is all you grow. The shade is kind like mother’s milk. Full of life far from silk. back at me. Just there no more, I do not know if this could be. A Hoot and off the brown fly’s, a magical mist left for my eye. Below a green tale long and thin paused waiting for him. A black buzz past my ear, I blew a kiss to bring him near. Floating free for all to see a Lillie comes within me. A crawl, a splash, noise that travels far from back.  Big and small, round and tall, within the eye the breath of my hope. A lone white egg falls from the sky. Am I the only one that knows, if so, ask why.

Sunday, January 29, 2012


What a beautiful place from the inside out. Volunteers putting their time and efforts toward bettering the lives of other humans, is what life is about. At echo there was a general understanding that we all are here apart of one human family, and that there are no strangers. I often think initially that just because I don’t know someone that I am not connected to them, the truth is we are all one; we can be strangers or accept that we are humans, regardless.
At echo they provide appropriate technology- using what some has and making what someone needs. What a great idea; it gives hope being able to change an object into an instrument. I think about the concept of appropriate technology and its implications are enormous without barriers. They are providing an alternative to what they think they have, with what they actually can use.
The Neem tree provides an example to this idea, to me it was a large tree, I didn’t think of much else. I didn’t know of any particular use that could come from this tree. Come to learn that it is known as a pharmacy tree and can provide so many benefits to people that have these trees in there communities. Locals near these trees may have thought that it was only able to provide some shade on a warm day, but because of echo’s knowledge they can send the information to people that can benefit from the trees abilities. The tree can be used for an anti fungal face cream, for toothpaste, bug spray, shampoo, for dogs to get flees off, and to prevent cavities by chewing on the twigs.
All these uses right under my nose, and the people that could really benefit from the potential uses from this tree are unaware. Living in a tropical Monsoon our climate is nearly identical to the areas that echo helps, this is ideal because plants and animals that live well at echo will thrive at other locations with our climate. Echo shows that we can change people’s lives for the better. 352

Saturday, January 14, 2012

Journal 1

I walk out my door and can smell the pepper of the Ocean. My mouth grew dry with anticipation for the waves where crashing in the distance.  The wind had picked up, and I was heading down to the sand. I crossed over the old bridge careful not to step on a sand spur. I walk to the begging of the shore joined by a group of tiny birds, escaping the touch of the waves. The spread of the Ocean, the great reminder of what is, and how beauty evolved from the depths. Being surrounded by nature, I felt full once again.  I moved up, so that my toes touched the creeping flow of waves on the shore, coming and going. I close my eyes and wait for a while, the waves whisper, and I can hear them. I open my eyes and am filled with joy, smiling from the inside out. I’m now in touch with the day and in tune with my being, ready and willing for this moment. I wish the waves good buy and thank them for their fresh scent, the fuel for my day. I walk back over the bridge, head held high, seeing how long the smell of the beach could travel. A few blocks and I am home, I go around back to wash away the sand. The beach slowly pushed down the drain and out of my sight. I wipe the remainder of the water and sand off with a towel, and begin to open the door inside. I stop a moment and take it all in once again, the birds, the waves the peace. I hold the truth of the beach inside me, and carry it within, as I step inside the house. I am never alone, knowing that the beach is with me, telling me to listen to the waves.